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The power of the girl collective
It’s not easy to be a young girl, whether in a high school hallway or on social media where narrow norms, comparison anxiety, harassment and structural injustice are everyday fare. Charlotte Cederlund (Så jävla operfekt) (So Damn Imperfect) portrays a group of girls who in the end refuse to accept this. Sannah Salameh (100% äkta fejk) (100% Real Fake) writes about Mariam, who dreams about an existence without harassment and about becoming someone completely different. Lisa Bjärbo and Johanna Lindbäck (Jobbiga tjejer) (Annoying Girls), along with Sara Ohlsson, are current with the second book about three girls who have had enough of injustice. Together they will discuss high school girls’ vulnerability and the power of a girl collective. Moderator: Doreen Månsson, journalist.
Speakers: Charlotte Cederlund, Sannah Salameh, Lisa Bjärbo, Johanna Lindbäck.
Moderator: Doreen Månsson.
Organised in collaboration with the authors’ Swedish publishers: Gilla Böcker, Opal and Rabén & Sjögren.