Masters of middle-grade

Money that leads to severe moral anguish, stress before an impending Christmas show, a mysterious crate on the subway and absent fathers. Min storslagna död (My Royal Grand Golden Death) by Jenny Jägerfeld, part two in the Skärblacka trilogy, is a book about the price that must be paid to finally become popular. Pengarna (Money) is Bengt Ohlsson’s first book for young readers and is about the collision between dream and reality, and about how burdensome it can be to hold onto a secret. Ulrika Lidbo is current with Djuret (The Creature), a story about an unexpected friendship and a secret animal of unknown origin. These three authors are not afraid to be deeply serious in their realistic stories for middle-grade readers. Moderator: Ebba Kleberg von Sydow, journalist.


Speakers: Jenny JägerfeldBengt OhlssonUlrika Lidbo.
Moderator: Ebba Kleberg von Sydow.


Organised in collaboration with the authors’ Swedish publishers: Alfabeta, Bonnier Carlsen and Rabén & Sjögren.