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Trans individuals in the lead role
From having played bizarre supporting roles, trans individuals have now taken big strides forward in TV series, films, books and graphic novels. Elias Ericson’s graphic novel Diana & Charlie is about two trans teenagers, about identity, mental ill health and an uncomprehending adult world. Olivia Skoglund depicts her own gender transition with humour and seriousness in Nästan i mål! (Almost There!). Edward Summanen is an expert in trans issues at RFSL and has just released Queera tider – hbtqi då och nu (Queer Times – LGBTQ Now and Then). Together they will converse about trans depictions in culture, stories that are lacking, and the importance of humour. Moderator: Jenny Jägerfeld, psychologist and author.
Speakers: Elias Ericson, Olivia Skoglund, Edward Summanen.
Moderator: Jenny Jägerfeld.
Organised in collaboration with the authors’ Swedish publishers: Galago and Rabén & Sjögren.