Drama is the original literature and has a natural place at the Book Fair. In 2025, we will highlight drama as a distinct literary genre, showcasing its unique power and introducing it to a broader audience. With the theme Drama, we bring performing arts to the Book Fair and connect it with our large audience.

This theme explores how both literature and drama reflect human relationships, intense emotions, and life’s big questions. We delve into everything from epic literary dramas to the craft of scriptwriting, examining how drama can captivate and move both readers and audiences. We explore stories where tension arises from characters’ inner conflicts, complex relationships, and critical choices. Through various forms of drama—from classic tragedies to modern novels and plays—we investigate how words and narratives create identification and challenge. What makes a story dramatic? How do we portray strong emotions authentically? And how can drama reflect society’s most pressing issues?

A large public area will be the heart of the theme, featuring a stage for short performances, readings, dance, and panel discussions. Additionally, spaces will be dedicated to longer performances, guest appearances, workshops, and readings. We also create opportunities for professional meetings, collaboration, and networking between industries.

Whether you are a passionate reader, a writer seeking to deepen your craft, or simply curious about the role of drama in literature, this theme offers engaging discussions, rich inspiration, and new perspectives. Welcome to a place where stories come to life and drama takes centre stage!

The theme is organised in collaboration with TINFO (Finland), Colombine (Sweden), Dramatikkens hus (Norway), and Esti Teatri Agentuur (Estonia).