Contact us!

Most welcome to contact us! Here is all the information you need to get in touch.

Address: SE-412 94 Göteborg, Sweden
Visiting address: Mässans Gata 10

Tel. +46 31 708 84 00
Email: [email protected]

Frida Edman

Book Fair Director
+46 31 708 84 10
[email protected]

Oskar Ekström

Program Director
+46 31 708 84 73
[email protected]

Johan Kollén

+46 701 61 65 48
[email protected]

Erik Eje Almqvist

+46 31 708 83 75
[email protected]

Monika Ölund

Business Manager
+46 31 708 80 82
[email protected]

Sandra Lewinsson

Schools & Libraries
+46 31 708 86 84
[email protected]

Marie Kämpendahl

Sales Manager, exhibition
+46 31 708 84 15
[email protected]

Frida Wengholm

Sales Manager
+46 31-708 80 47
[email protected]

Malena Litby-Lindhoff

Exhibition, coordinator
+46 31 708 82 06
[email protected]

Maria Rogstad

Head of Communications
+46 31 708 84 70
[email protected]