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Transcending Heteronormativity Through Literature

Can writing and literature help us to reclaim power over our identity, our emotions, our body and our sexuality? European authors Tomasz Jedrowski (Poland/Germany), Robin Corminboef (Switzerland), Fleur Pierets (Belgium) and Melania G. Mazzucco (Italy) will be in conversation with Lou Mattei, literary scholar, writer, translator and founder of LGBTQ+ bookshop PAGE 28 and the Prisma queer literary prize about identities that break norms, societal oppression, vulnerability, empowerment, and the ability of language and writing to liberate the body and soul.
Can writing and literature help us to reclaim power over our identity, our emotions, our body and our sexuality? European authors Tomasz Jedrowski (Poland/Germany), Robin Corminboef (Switzerland), Fleur Pierets (Belgium) and Melania G. Mazzucco (Italy) will be in conversation with Lou Mattei, literary scholar, writer, translator and founder of LGBTQ+ bookshop PAGE 28 and the Prisma queer literary prize about identities that break norms, societal oppression, vulnerability, empowerment, and the ability of language and writing to liberate the body and soul.