Proximity and Distance


Three brothers travel across the country back to the smallholding that none of them have visited for twenty years to scatter their mother’s ashes. Two of them are bloodied. Alex Schulman’s ‘The Survivors’ is about re-experiencing your childhood as an adult. Jacob’s brother returns to Gothenburg from Israel, and before long the already-stretched family begins to show signs of strain. Stephan Mendel-Enk’s ‘The Monkey in the Middle’ is a freestanding continuation of his previous book ‘Three Monkeys’. ‘Tritonus’ is Kjell Westö’s modern take on an archipelago story about music and community, success and loneliness, and about what happens when an escape into anonymity is impossible. Presenter: Daniel Sjölin, author.


Speakers: Stephan Mendel-Enk, Alex Schulman, Kjell Westö.
Presenter: Daniel Sjölin.


Organised by: Albert Bonniers Förlag, Förlaget and Norstedts.