Digital Culture – Theme at the Göteborg Book Fair 2020

In less than two decades, digitisation has fundamentally changed our existence and our behaviour. The theme Digital Culture highlights the interaction between people, digital development, society, culture and democracy. The aim is to build bridges between and create an understanding of how different generations participate in culture. The initiative creates an analogue meeting place for digital culture and raises the question about what it means to be human and a consumer/producer of culture in our time.

Digitisation has given rise to new cultural expressions and subcultures, which lead to questioning and challenging ingrained habits and systems at the core of society. The debate about digitisation has long been characterised by contradictions: for and against, us against them, proactive and destructive. Ingrained thought patterns about behaviour and methods are pitted against new ones. Children and young adults grow up in a reality and culture which they both co-create and consume. It gives them a different story, and it is told in different formats. What they have in common is that there is always a story. The focus of this year’s concentration on digital culture is the meeting between the story formats, those who produce and publish them, and those who consume them.

Partners to the theme Digital Culture are Dreamhack, Göteborg & Co, Lin Education, Majblomman och Storytel.

Program coordinators are Rainy Lab och Playcentric Studios.
The program will be produced in Göteborg.